Monday, October 29, 2012


Waktu liburan kemarin di Germany, saya menemukan toko benang di jalan Annastrasse, Aachen. Saya sudah pernah ceritakan disini.

Ternyata ada satu toko benang lagi di Aachen yang untungnya tidak terlalu jauh dari flat saya. JUNGHANS CREATIVE SHOP tidak hanya menjual benang rajut, tetapi alat dan bahan kerajinan lainnya seperti melukis, membuat perhiasan, origami, dan lain-lain. Beruntungnya saya bisa menemukan surga benang di Aachen. Rasanya tidak ingin meninggalkan surga itu, tapi lama kelamaan bisa bolong kantong nya. hehehehe.

Bawa 2 keranjang benang dari Junghans

Kalap mata

Perkenalan Panenco Yarns


Satu kata yang saya putuskan untuk menjadi Brand Online Shop saya, PANENCO YARNS. Terdengar asing di telinga masyarakat indonesia, mungkin. Sebenarnya, kata ini diambil dari nama belakang saya sendiri, ANDHINI PANENCO. 

Bukannya kepedean, tapi emang harus pede pake nama sendiri untuk brand toko sendiri. hehe. PANENCO sendiri dari bahasa Aceh, Pane yang berarti Pandai dan Co itu berasal dari kata Kau. Yaa agak sok inggris emang orang tua saya. hahahha. Tapi nama ini membuat saya merasa spesial karna uniknya, dan akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk dijadikan brand saya sendiri.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Who don't knows the legendary WOLLMEISE yarn??

Wollmeise - Twin

You can googling all of information about this yarn, and you'll know ;)
I can't give more review about this yarn, because this is my first time to buy WOLLMEISE yarn. Based on review that I've read, this yarn is looks like a cotton ply when you see in hanks, but when it washed and blocked, it'll be extremely soft!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What's on Annastrasse

A simple canvas bag from they store

Last 2 months, me and my family went to Germany and other EU countries for holiday. And hunting some yarn shop is my favourite! When I stay in Aachen, Germany, I found this yarn store on Annastrasse street.
The name of this store is Goerg & Goerg. A nice small store, I love their red wall looks like chinese store when I saw in the distance. I'm a red holic by the way ;).

Monday, October 8, 2012

Transform into knitting blog?

Hi everyone! Long time no see.

Actually I'm too lazy to update this blog because of the busy-ness (can we say that?).

I'll tell about my activity, now I'm a student and an officer, ups, I have an online shop also! So many things to do in my life *lebayyy*. But it makes me feel like I just done in a halfway for everythings, my college, office and my online shop. I was thinking to do full time for my online shop if I close to get my thesis, hopefully..