Monday, December 27, 2010

Crochet : Pocho for Winter


I wanna show off my finished crochet project for winter ;) . I made a poncho guys! hihihihi..  just for 5 days :) but it completed long time ago.
I took the pattern from Lion Brand website. There's a lot of pattern and sure you can download it for free !

Here a pics of my Poncho

This is detail of neck, I used different yarn, feathery yarn.
It could make you warm!

And this is the details of stitch

I used two yarn, both of them are 4 play yarn. And for the hook, I used 6 mm size hook. 

I'm so sorry, I don't have a tutorial for this :( 

buttt......... I've a pattern ;) you can check the pattern here
I made not to similar, such as adding more rows and finishing stitch. 
Hope you can make it too ;) crochet is fun! bye!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Beanie (Crochet)

wow wow wow *rusuh*

Beanie gw udah jadi loohhh.... seneng deh...
sebenernya ada lagi yang udah jadi sebelum ini, yaitu fingerless glove buat sang pacar :*. tapi maish ada perbaikan lagi, gara - gara beda tangan kanan dan kiri nya *abisnya bingung* maklum masih newbie *maap yah pacar*.

Yang sekarang gw mo kasih liat gambarnya hanya yang beanie aja, yang fingerless glove nya nanti aja, klo udah gw kasih liat ke pacar *surprise soalnya*.

Dulu gw juga sempet crocheting waktu di indo, tapi cuma jadi sarung handphone sama syal buat abang gw waktu di jerman, tapi ternyata syal nya masi kurang anget! ya iyalah di indo kan benangnya ga ada yg tebel - tebel dan 100% wool. Itu juga gw bikin berminggu-minggu ga selesai. haha.

Langsung aja ya gw post disini gambar beanie nya.

Tampak Depan

Tampak Samping

Tampak Belakang

Atau bisa juga cara pake nya begini

hehehe... gimana? lucu kan? *pede*

itu gw bikin hampir 1 jam lah.. dan ga liat pola.. hehehehehe *berdasarkan feeling*

Tusukan yang dipakai :

ch : chain
sc : single chain
dc : double chain

Jarum : 8 mm

Untuk benang nya gw pake yang jenis very bulky yarn, karna disini banyak yang kaya gitu dan murah, klo di indo hampir ga ada benang yang tebel dan jarum nya.

Ok blogger, sampai disini dulu ya. Maap ga pake tutorial, soalnya ga bisa ngerekam nya. hahaha..


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Delicious Pancake!


Lagi - lagi gw nyeritain hal yang 'baru' dari hidup gw. PANCAKE!!
dan lagi - lagi kayaknya gw juga norak, baru pertama kali makan Pancake yang bertumpuk-tumpuk. Biasanya disiapin buat sarapan pagi, sedangka gw buat 'lunch' karena gw bangun siang.

Kenapapa harus Pancake? karna namanya itu terdengar 'so delicious' buat gw. Dan setiap liat gambarnya gw selalu penasaran. Kata orang bikin Pancake itu gampang dan enak.

Akhirnya gw coba googling resep Pancake. Dan resep ini yang gw coba :

Bahan - bahan :

250 gr Tepung terigu
2 butir Telur
500 ml Susu (gw pake low fat)
1 sdt Garam
2 sdm Gula pasir
50 ml Minyak sayur/butter cair (gw pake olive oil)
2 sdm Baking powder

topping : mapple syrup / fruit sauce

Cara Membuat:

1. Campurkan terigu, gula, garam, dan baking powder. Aduk rata.
2. Dalam mangkuk kecil, kocok telur kemudian campurkan susu dan minyak sayur / butter cair.
3. Tuangkan campuran telur ke dalam campuran terigu dan aduk hingga adonan lembut dan kental.
4. Panaskan wajan dengan 1 sendok makan minyak goreng.
5. Tuangkan 1 sendok besar adonan, biarkan hingga timbul gelembung pada permukaan bag. atas dan permukaan bawah mulai kecoklatan. Lalu balik dan angkat.
6. Hidangkan hangat - hangat dengan mapple syrup.

Nah, akhirnya gw memberanikan diri tuk mencoba resep tsb.

Dan akhirnyaaa........................ *tidak memalukan*. Liat gambar di bawah ini.

Sebenernya jadinya banyak... tapi gw ga kuat makan bertumpuk2 gitu... hahahha..

Ternyata..... kenyang banget makan ini, gw makan 3 lapis..

About the taste, layaknya kaya martabak cuma lebih empuk banget pas digigit.. hehehe

Try it guys!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

1st time Baskin Robbin

Nah, topik blog gw kali ini mungkin cupu ye.. baru pertama kali nyoba BR Ice cream :p setelah 19 tahun ini :)

Semua yang gw tulis di blog rata - rata hal yang baru, new, segar, fresh dari hidup gw *halah*

Dari dulu gw juga mengidamkan ice cream sejenis BR, yaitu Haagen Dazs. Tapi gw ga terlalu ngebet banget kaya si BR ini. Mungkin karena waktu Haagen Dazs, permintaan gw langsung di kabulin sama sang pacar kali ya. haha.
Anehnya, setiap mau makan BR sama sang pacar tersayang pasti ga jadi deh. *bingung*

Yup, sekali lagi gw nyoba hal baru ini di Qatar, pas gw udah balik dari Indo.

Bokap : "kan ada ice cream di freezer, udah di makan?"
Gw : "belum liat malah, es apa?"
Bokap : "Baskin Robbin kayaknya namanya, dharma kemaren beli yang gede"
Gw : "oh" *sok ga peduli gitu*

Gw : "Dharma...! keluarin es dong dari kulkas"
Dharma : "Iya"


Lihatlah apa yang terjadi dengan gambar berikut :

Wujud Baskin Robbin "Vanilla Ice Cream"

Tadinya penuh, sekarang tinggal.............

Yups! It's turn out a half cup again! within one time consuming, I could spend half a cup! so crazy am I? No..!!!

Now, I get a cough! aahh.... pardon me... why it taste so good???

Sepatu Impian ku

Hola.. blogger..

Sebenernya gw udah lama mau nge-blog tentang sepatu gw yang gw idamkan ini, cuma ya butuh mood juga untuk nulis di blog.

Seperti apakah ciri yang sepatu gw idamkan itu? Heels di jari - jari kaki kah? atau yang tidak ber-alas kah? Yap! betul! *setan dong*

Gw dari dulu pengen banget kaya cewek - cewek yang mempunyai kaki cantik itu yang pada pake sandal / sepatu heels or wedges bertali - tali ribet itu. Tapi dari dulu ga pernah ada yang muat sama kaki gajah kaya gw -_______-.

Pupuslah harapan gw tuk nyari sepatu begituan. Udah ga muat, kaki gw ga beraturan bentuknya *ceker ayam kali ya?* trus setiap gw liat kalau ukurannya gede, dalem hati pasti gw bilang "ah ga bakal muat" dan setelah dicoba............................................ *sangat memalukan*.

Ok, Bubay! *bahasa anak g403L*

Udah di Qatar..

Finally....... I've got you!!!!!

I really grateful to Allah SWT...! akhirnya ada yang muat sama gw disini..! soalnya disini ukuran kaki orang gede - gede. hahha. ini nomor 40 juga, tapi beda ma di indo, disana kaki orang pada kaya kutu kali ye.. *gw aja yang kedean*

Gw nemu sepatu ini pas lagi mau pulang ke Indonesia buat wisuda, awalnya sih gw ga mau ambil yang ini, soalnya rada mahal. hehehe. Berhubung ayah gw baek, akhirnya gw ambil yang ini deehh.. Really love this!

Oke, sampe sini akhirnya gw puas dapet sepatu "bertali". Bye!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Corniche Beach

Holaaa !!!

I want to tell you about Corniche Beach in Doha today. Corniche has become a means for people to exercise, like jogging or walking. But also many facilities for children too. So many people started to come at night after maghrib, sometimes there is no car park because so many people go to there. If you come at Thursday and Friday night, wwoowww.. its so crowded!! so, I choose to stay at home. haha. There are also so many people to go fishing on Friday morning, because of holiday.

I've a picture of ship at Corniche in the evening.

So beautiful it is! Corniche in the night, qatar in the night! Don't look at them in the daylight, cause it's really barren and sandy.

The place is hotspo area, if you looking for hotspot, go to corniche Sheraton Park. There is a cafe too inside. So you can enjoy some drinks or coffee while browsing on internet. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Friday, September 24, 2010

Qatar, Doha

Yup, Qatar.
It's been 5th day for Me and My Family to stay in Doha, except my Brother cause he's just a have Visa for Visit. We are live in a flat at Tourist Plaza, room 112 exactly.
1st thing on my mind: Qatar is so so so Hot! not so far with Jakarta, but the weather can't make our skin become darker.

When we arrived at 5.00 (Doha time) and go to Our flat, my Father brought Us some food it's called Parota Sandwich with cream cheese and spicy! that's only available in the morning and dinner. It's delicious!!
And for a lunch, he brought a Biriani Rice with Grilled chicken and some Kobus for free..
Biriani Rice its like a Basmati Rice. See on picture! they serve with a sauce, but I don't like the taste :(. My father bought for 4 pieces, but it can be for dinner too.. haha. it's for big portion

This is some of Parota Sandwich.

My flat is near with Corniche Beach, and there's free hotspot area! wow. Because we haven't yet an Internet, so we going to the beach. So I can call my Fiance (I knew from How I Met Ur Mother) :D, sometimes we had to video call too. I really miss him.

Doha, has so many a sophisticated building, really beautiful street lamp, beautiful beach, and beautiful women of Qatari I thought. It's nice to see in the night.

I think enough, I'll continued my story as soon as possible. See ya.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My 1st Hijab Creation

Hi everyone, this is not a tutorial how to make Hijab Creation. Haha.

So, I make this creation because my mom wanna go to Ara's Wedding. Before, I totally can't to creating beautiful Hijab, make it like flower on your head with Hijab! Oh I can't do this! But, why me? why do I suddenly make it? just because My Besties's Mom, Dartis's Mom can't, she has an appointment for bridal makeup at 5.00 am - 09.00.
And finally Me and Mom tried to make Hijab Creation and of course I certainly have a book of Beautiful Hijab by Ratih Sanggarwaty. It really help Us ;)

The picture is too dark, huh? I'm so sory.. because I didn't turn night mode on my camera. :(
I've made this creation till 01.00 am last night. hoho.

It's just example creation for Ara's Wedding. Look messy? Just exercise. Haha.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Akhirnya datang juga FIFA WORLD CUP 2010. And hope BRAZIL will be a winner..!!!! yyeeaaahh.. hahahahha

Gw suka banget theme song nya yang dari Shakira - Time For Africa, tarian lucu deh.

Untuk lirik nya :

You’re a good soldier
Choosing your battles
Pick yourself up
And dust yourself off
Get back in the saddle
You’re on the front line
Everyone’s watching
You know it’s serious
We’re getting closer
This isn’t over
The pressure’s on; you feel it
But you got it all; believe it
When you fall, get up, oh oh
And if you fall, get up, eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Cause this is Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Listen to your god; this is our motto
Your time to shine
Don’t wait in line
Y vamos por todo
People are raising their expectations
Go on and feel it
This is your moment
No hesitation
Today’s your day
I feel it
You paved the way,
Believe it
If you get down
Get up oh, oh
When you get down,
Get up eh, eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
Anawa aa
Tsamina mina eh eh
Waka waka eh eh
Tsamina mina zangalewa
This time for Africa

Friday, March 26, 2010

1st Hot Air Balloon

Tanggal 27 - 28 Maret 2010, aku mendatangi event 1st Hot Air Balloon di Indonesia, tepatnya di Sentul.

Hari pertama di tanggal 27 Maret 2010, baru mulai percobaan balon nya, jadi public belum ada yang boleh naik. Aku pergi sama Ayah, adik, kakak, dan sepupuku. Padahal aku, adik, dan sepupuku sudah bersiap - siap akan naik Balon Udara! kapan lagi??? sedangkan abang ku mencari spot yang bagus untuk ngambil foto yang bagus.
Ada sekitar 17 Balon Udara (klo ga salah), tapi untuk hari pertama hanya di terbangkan 8 balon udara. knp??? karena cuaca yang buruk!!! (serem juga klo ntar nyangkut di mana-mana)

oia, disana juga ada taping dari MP3 (nama acara nya) dengan bintang tamu D'cinnamons. Aku melihat banyak sekali orang dengan goyang yang aneh2. Tapi aku nyerempet dikit aah.. (biar masuk Tipi juga)

akhirnya kita pulang dengan kecewa, ga bisa naik balon udara dan abang ku pun ga dapet foto yang bagus untuk Portfolio nya.
Hari kedua, aku ga dateng kesana karena ayahku pergi ke Lampung. Aku hanya mendengar berita, kalau mau naik Balon Udara, Rp. 50,000 hanya ketinggian 300 meter, sedangkan kalau keliling Rp. 5.000.000,-

ini ada sedikit foto yang diambil dari sana

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Love Business

Yeah, I really love business!! why ???? I don't know...

First, I've tried to be a reseller from DEBARONG, Bali dress supplier. I choose DEBARONG because their products price are so so so cheap!! so, I can resell with a good price.. ! of course all people want to buy my products ;)

firstly I don't have a customer.. uuhh so sad.. but I've look some threads in KasKus and Online Shop in Facebook. I look how they promoting their product, like " Hii Sista..!!!! Look at my Album, there is so many new product!! and with a cheap price..!! check it out girls and Grab it fast!! " haha.. so funny!! almost Online shop said like that. So it can 'call' many people to buy their products. And of course I also said that!! hahahaha. My family laughed at me.. lol

I see.. on by one OS, Thread, etc

Even, I've tried to sell Korean Dresses..!! why? cause I looked in an Online Shop which sell Korean Dresses, they have so many customer who liked their product.
I try.. try.. try..
but, I don't have a profit.. just a bit.. :(

Finally, I'm not focus with Korean Dresses product. but I'm more focus with Bali Dresses with a cheap price and many people like it ;). Even, I've reseller too.... so, I feel like a Supplier but I'm not! haha ;)

Sunday, January 3, 2010


di postingan sebelumnya gw cerita tentang German atau Qatar? sekarang muncul pilihan lagi untuk sekolah ke France, Dunia Mode..!!
gw juga tertarik untuk kuliah disana, sesuai jurusan yang gw mau, yaitu Design!

ada beberapa pilihan jurusan yang gw minat :
- IT
- Finance
- Designer

so many dreams in my life! hopefully my dreams will be come true..!